Little Nightmares DLC

Part 01

Todd begins Kid’s Story joined by Ish, Cristian, and Niko. Travis is present without a microphone.

Part 02

Todd and Cristian discuss Kid’s name, Ish and Niko trade jabs, and Travis tries not to help with puzzles.

Part 03

Todd, Crisitan, and Ish name the creature from the deep, Niko comments on resemblances, and Travis assists in solving puzzles.

Part 04

Benjamin Jefferson’s Revenge. Todd, Ish, and Cristian giggle at slapstick, Niko hopes for failure, and Travis is right again.

Part 05

Todd begins collecting new gnome friends and Ish spreads the legend of the gnomes. Cristian, Niko, and Travis are around.

Part 06

Todd struggles to avoid detection and collect more gnome friends. Ish and Niko bicker while Travis explains their feud to Cristian.

Part 07

Feuding, gnome naming, and ABBA.

Part 08

The blind lead the blind as Todd navigates the dark and Ish and Cristian are happy to find shoes.

Part 09

Door number three contains the prize, Todd finds a new fuse, and the team brainstorms how to get past the Janitor.

Part 10

Tensions are high as Todd continues to negotiate the dark and attempts to suppress his fear.

Part 11

Chapter 2 ends, Chapter 3 begins, and nervous singing ensues.

Part 12

Statue roulette, gyroscope lights, and disturbing family portraits.

Part 13

Shadow children attack, Travis’s teaches Todd how to flashlight, Cristian and Ish gang up on Niko.

Part 14

The team carpes the diem and Mikey appears briefly before immediately passing out.

Part 15

The end breaks the crew emotionally.


Extra bits from setup and breaks as well as gameplay cut for time and pacing.